ruine hq


english, русский, اللغة العربية

Note: We generally don't have the time to translate every event in english. Nevertheless, please note that even if an event announcement is only in german, you can always come by and we will try to find a common language or a way to organise translation for you. Following you'll find a short decription of what is going on at ruine hq:

the hq wants to be a hub for ways to deal with the ubiquitous ruined endtimes of this civilization, that is the times of ruination, crisis, catastrophe and disaster of the colonial, capitalist, modern, so called western civilization. How to deal with and how to continue living in a world that is falling apart and dying, while a new world is yet to be born. To do so, ruine hq hosts different series of events and formats: the deep ruination negotiations, the acid collège, the solarpunk-lounges, a monthly bar and language café, a small book shop/-shelf of literature around ruination and endtimes as well as more yet undefined events and sessions. ruine hq is run by the RUINE c.o.u.n.c.i.l. - a rather loose friendly connex of people from here and there. It is physically located in Selmastr. 4 in Hanover, Germany.

If yo have any other questions or like to meet up please feel very invited to drop us a line via info @ ruinehq . org or check out our instagram.


*** anti-copyright 2024 / impressum ***